Everyone likes to look beautiful, however not very radiant skin occasionally prevent this desire. For various reasons and at different growing up times the skin on the face starts fatting, unhealthy shine, unsympathetic spots, and pimples come out. Creams and masks do not always help, the diet gives a positive result, but already originated acne eruption and sebaceous plugs will not disappear by itself.
Face cleaning is useful, though if there are no severe troubles – it is simultaneous nutrition and skin rejuvenation. There are several types of cleaning procedures, which are better to conduct in a beauty salon. It is better not to experiment with the face, given that the expert will help determine the skin type, advise the most effective and at the same time not harsh procedure.
Mechanical facial skin cleansing – a method known for a long time, very productive, but it is considered as obsolete and not modern method. Its purpose is to manually clean the pores using few special tools, remove the minute dirt and fish oil spew. Like other method, the mechanical method has its pros and cons, the approximate performance time and the time of the highest effect.
This method assumes an initial thorough cleansing from decorative make up preparations, if any. Then the face is steamed to soften sebaceous plugs, tops of pimples, and spotty acne eruption. The master cosmetician physically removes all these pickles for about 20 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the level of damage, but it usually takes a little more than an hour. Steaming can be contraindicated in some cases (asthma, couperosis, hirsutism, hypersensitivity), then cold loosening of the epidermis, hydrogenation are used.
After mechanical actions, the face is covered with a soothing nourishing mask, followed by an easy, pleasant massage and detailed instructions concerning after procedural period, and wish all the best. Quickly, competently, qualitatively, effectively – these are the main characteristics of the mechanical method of cleansing the face skin.
The main advantages of mechanical facial cleansing are:
– high and long-term effectiveness;
– possibility to extract the deepest comedones;
– financial accessibility.
Disadvantages of mechanical facial cleansing:
– a certain painfulness;
– within few hours after the procedure, puffiness and redness are clearly expressed;
– long enough – up to two weeks, the period of complete recovery of the skin.
Pros and cons are useful to consider when planning a similar procedure.